Monday, March 15, 2004

On Friday I met a girl for Drinks at at "Elephant and Castle," an English-style pub in Downtown Seattle. I brought along some pages for for my upcoming "Painters of Blight" show, and drunkenly left them when I departed for the night.

I had a board meeting Saturday morning, so afterward I went and picked them up. It was a weekend afternoon, in the missidle of the downtown shopping district, there were at least four ambulances streaking around and saving lives, and finally, there was a parade.

I parked in a meter spot right across the street, almost. It was as close as I could possibly park under the best of circumstance. I paid a quarter, walked in, picked up the calendar, walked out, and was on my way. I was in and out of downtown in ten minutes.

Did I mention there was a parade?

It was worth leaving them there so I could have that awesome experience.

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