Sunday, February 29, 2004

I just returned from seeing Broken Lizard's Club Dread. Words nearly fail me. All of the fears, all of the criticisms that have echoed hollowly in the press since long before opening day are true. Broken Lizard's Club Dread is a vile, anti-Semetic movie. One would think it's authors had fetishisically embraced one of the more homerotic sects of flagellent Catholicism. Despite some colorless flashbacks to what was simpler, less interesting time, the overall tragectory of this so-called "film" is toward brutality and nausea. Shame on Broken Lizard, for repeating long-repudiated blood libels. Shame on their parents, who most certianly denyied the Holocaust. And shame on President-Select George W. Bush, for turning America into a despised religio-corporate dictatorship and for invading Afganistan.

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